January 1, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 1)


Strong Points: Easy to browse content
Weak Points: Nothing Major




ARUP Consult is “the physician’s guide to laboratory test selection and interpretation,” but it could just as easily be “the curious patient’s guide to what happens to all of those samples your doctor collects.” The app contains a great deal of interesting information, ranging from age guidelines for various tests, to background notes on various diseases/infections. Users can explore all of the content of the app via the “browse” option. In this mode, information can be accessed via categories (i.e., autoimmune disease, genetic disease), an alphabetical index of topics, or through the testing algorithms index. For each specific medical condition, information is organized into categories such as background, diagnosis, and tests. Pubmed links to all literature cited are provided. For more targeted exploration, the app also provides a search feature on its home screen.

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