ZyGEM’s temperature-controlled extraction technology will be leveraged.
ZyGEM and the Advalytix product team of Olympus Life Science Research Europa are working together to produce a private-label line of DNA extraction products. ZyGEM’s enzymatic nucleic acid extraction technology will be coupled with Advalytix’ expertise in single-cell molecular tests for life science research and diagnostic applications.
Advalytix will market private-label DNA extraction products based on ZyGEM’s temperature-controlled extraction (TEC) technology. The kits will be designed to work with Advalytix’ single-cell molecular diagnostics and its miniaturized diagnostic and biological tests for R&D.
ZyGEM’s DNA extraction technology uses a thermophilic enzyme to extract DNA from samples using a single closed-tube system. This approach reportedly simplifies laboratory workflow, minimizes error, reduces the risk of contamination, and ensures sample integrity while also reducing costs.