GEN Magazine

Volume 43, Issue No. 11, November 2023

November 2023 cover

The Alzheimer’s-afflicted brain is like a garden that has become choked with weeds (amyloid plaques), overrun by destructive pests (abnormal tau), and worn down by severe weather (inflammation). Fortunately, as this month’s cover story explains, each of these threats is being targeted by antibody-based drugs. Indeed, drug developers are looking into combination therapies. And to ensure that therapies are deployed earlier, and to greater effect, investigators are working on blood-based biomarkers. In this issue of GEN, the idea of taming out-of-control processes, and thereby restoring health, isn’t limited to antibody-based Alzheimer’s drugs. It is reflected in feature articles on phage therapies, RNA-based vaccines and drugs, and RNA editing platforms. In addition, this issue of GEN invites readers to look at 3D cell cultures as gardens that can represent the complex ecologies that exist in human tissues. Specifically, organoids are presented as suitable testing grounds for drug developers. Finally, we report on sample prep kits that facilitate the cultivation of lush DNA libraries.

Website Content from This Issue

Antibodies Take Center Stage in Alzheimer’s

Azheimer's Disease

mRNA Vaccines and Therapeutics Combine Power and Finesse


Upgrading Phage Therapies to Crush Antimicrobial Resistance


RNA Editing Is Having a Moment

Ribonucleic acid strand, illustration

Organoids Evolve from Academic Marvel to Industrial Tool

Cancer organoids

Organoids Deliver True-to-Life Performances


3D-Bioprinted Implants Show Promise in Model of Severe Brain Injury

mouse brain

In the Century of Biology: Bringing Great Science to Life


NGS Sample Prep: Enduring Basics and Evolving Enzyme Kits

Locks on Translation Initiation May Restrain Cancer

Cancer cell

Multiomics in Pancreatic Cancer: A Conversation with Dr. William Hwang

BioSkryb researchers in the lab

Insights into mRNA Scale-Up and cGMP Manufacturing Challenges



Rewiring the Brain: Applying Spatial Omics to Neural Plasticity and Neurodegenerative Diseases

MERFISH on aged brain


Reducing Labor and Footprint when Scaling Up Adherent Cultures

Corning Hood HYPERStack

Allen Institute for Cell Science Visual Guide to Human Cells

Kinase Profiling

Misfolded Proteins and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Nerve cell attacked by Antibodies

Automated Cell Culture System

Virus Removal Filter

Collagen Assay Kit

The Future of Personalized Medicine: Leveraging Customization for Faster Insights

Miltenyi Biotec sponsored content image

Simplified Single-Cell Isolation

NanoCellect’s WOLF G2 Cell Sorters

Advancing Understanding of Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Computational Methods

Cresset November 2023 sponsored content Figure1

Candida Albicans Produces Alzheimer’s-Like Changes in the Brain

mRNA Pioneers Win the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Isolated RNA abbreviation of ribonucleic acid

Compact Gene-Editing Enzyme Could Enable More Effective Clinical Therapies


Engineered Nanopore Translocates Full Length Proteins

Artist impression of a protein transported through a nanopore

New Genome Editing Method, NICER, May Reduce Off-Target Mutations