January 1, 1970 (Vol. , No. )

John Sterling Editor in Chief Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News

The commercialization of genetically modified foods in the 1990s served as a lightning rod for an ongoing debate over their safety. Despite numerous scientific studies and FDA assurances that GM foods are safe and nutritious, a number of individuals and consumer groups remain unconvinced.

GEN, which has reported on this issue since the mid-1980s, stands firmly on the side of most scientists and the FDA regarding the safety of GM foods. Nevertheless, we believe it is our editorial obligation to present opposing points of view. In our November 1 issue, we ran an opinion piece by Jeffrey M. Smith who takes an anti-GM foods stance. In the December issue, Henry I. Miller, M.D., writes in his point of view article that critics such as Mr. Smith represent a form of antisocial bioactivism. We welcome your views on the GM foods debate.

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