Rating: Excellent
Strong Points: Detailed information about each film, including trailers; easy to find where to view the films.
Clear, concise science communication is more important than ever, but it can be difficult to reach large audiences. Tangled Bank Studios, a division of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, aims to bridge this gap by distributing factual but engaging feature-length films. The studio’s website goes into detail about its mission and its main areas of focus, which include profiling trailblazing scientists, countering misinformation, examining the effects of climate change, and detailing advances in medicine. Films released by the studio cover a wide range of topics, including the state of HIV treatment in America, the development of the COVID-19 vaccines, and profiles of conservationists who are researching the impacts of climate change. The website includes information about where to find the movies and allows users to request a screening. There are also evaluation reports for educators looking to verify whether these films fit into their classroom curriculums. Tangled Bank Studios is a great approach to science communication and their films and website are well worth checking out.