November 15, 2005 (Vol. 25, No. 20)


Strong Points: Excellent disease information
Weak Points: Site needs inspiration

A few summers ago, the headline–making disease raising concerns in various areas of the U.S. was Lyme Disease. Though today, West Nile Virus has taken over its place in the “spotlight”, Lyme Disease is still a serious concern. Spread to humans most commonly by a bite from deer ticks, the causative agent is actually a spirochete bacterium known as Borrelia Burgdorferi. We probably all know the symptoms, starting with a red ring that quickly spreads from the site of the bite. At the ALDF site, you’ll learn more about the disease—how it spreads, what Post–Lyme syndrome is, and (good news!) how the disease responds to early treatment. Though it is out of the news right now, the disease is spreading—most recently into Northern California and the Oregon coast. Yikes—that’s a little close for me!

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