Rating: Very Good
Strong Points: Users can customize what areas they most want to work on.
Weak Points: Requires a subscription for full use.
Platform: iPhone/iPad
Cost: Free
Public speaking strikes fear in the heart of many (myself included), but it is, for better or for worse, essential for communicating your science and landing jobs. If you find yourself wanting to improve your public speaking skills but aren’t sure how, then Speeko is a great app to get you started. The app is divided into lessons designed to get you practicing your public speaking while picking up helpful tips and tricks along the way. Outside of the main lessons, the app also has mini exercises designed to help you work on particular aspects of presenting a talk, such as delivering data or reducing your use of filler “umms” and “ahhs”. Users can also record themselves, either practicing a talk of their own or responding to interview prompts provided by the app. Public speaking can be terrifying, but with some practice through Speeko, it doesn’t have to be.