Rating: Good
Platform: iPhone/iPad/Android
Cost: Free
Strong Points: Thorough flowchart of possible issues and potential solutions.
Weak Points: Several external links that bring you outside of the app
Are you struggling to get your chromatography working and aren’t sure what else you could possibly do to fix it? If that sounds like you, check out the HPLC Troubleshooting Guide, an app from ThermoFisher. The main page of the app has several links on it, the most useful of which instructs you to “Start Troubleshooting.” Within the guide, users can choose what part of their assay seems to be giving them issues, such as whether the peak areas are precise or if you’re seeing changing retention times. Within each area, there are several more options to choose from depending on what you’re seeing in your assay, such as ghost peaks or low signal-to-noise ratios. Finally, the app gives you several possible causes and solutions to try. The app has several other external links, such as to another app that calculates method transfer or various product tours on ThermoFisher’s website, but the real star is the methodical flowchart that helps you troubleshoot your chromatography to get reliable results.