Rating: Excellent
Platform: iPhone/iPad/Android
Cost: Free
Strong Points: User interface is easy to navigate; access to all of GEN’s features.
Since you’re reading this column, I would wager that you’re already a fan of this great magazine, but did you know that you can take GEN with you on the go? You can with the GEN for Mobile app, which brings all your favorite columns, stories, and insights directly to your phone. The app allows you to read any articles that pique your interest, browse through topics, and pull up resources. You can even create an account right in the app so that you can comment on and save columns you like. If you want even more of GEN, the app provides information for how to sign up for a free trial of GEN Edge, which brings you even more great reporting, exclusive interviews, and early access to A-Lists. Keep GEN with you wherever you go with the GEN app.