Rating: Excellent
Strong Points: Accommodates input of protocols and experiments, allows data export, promoting sharing among users.
Platform: iPhone/iPad
Cost: Free
Findings is a beautifully designed and easy-to-organize digital lab notebook. The app allows users to input both protocols and experiments. When entering a new protocol, users can assign it to a general category. For example, they can designate it as a chemistry protocol or a microbiology protocol. In addition to entering basic protocol steps, users can insert notes flagging bugs or issues and save ratings for each protocol. Protocols can be easily exported to the experiment section, which also includes space for detailed notes, photographs of experiment outcomes, and specific flags for errors that may have come up. Experiments are organized by date, and users can add upcoming experiments to help them plan projects. Experiment notes and protocols can be exported from the app into a PDF or to sharing services like Dropbox. The organizational ability and cheery interface of the Findings app make it a great choice for a digital lab notebook.