April 1, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 7)


Strong Points: Nicely organized
Weak Points: Largely just links to websites




The European Molecular Biology Laboratory–European Bioinformatics Institute (known better as simply EMBL–EBI) provides a number of excellent, freely available tools that span genomics and proteomics, structural biology, and computational systems biology to the scientific community. Via the EMBL–EBI app, users can easily access these resources (although an internet connection is required). The tools are organized according to topic, and on each topic page, app users can read a short description of each service. Links to each service website are then provided. The app also allows users to read descriptions of the research being done by various EMBL–EBI groups, and links to the research groups' websites are included. While the app largely just links users to external web resources, it is convenient to have all of those links organized in a nice way, with descriptions of each service provided.

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