February 1, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 3)
Strong Points: News articles tailored to different audiences
Weak Points: None
Physics enthusiasts will love the app by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research located in Switzlerland. (No, the acronym doesn’t really translate from the French.) The CERN app allows users to stay up-to-date with the latest news from the organization. The best part is that this news is curated within the app for different audiences: There are different news sections for students, scientists, and CERN people, in addition to the general news page and pages for press releases and other official communications. Within each of these news sections, app users are presented with a list of articles ordered with the most recent articles at the top. The app nicely does not make readers scroll through entire articles; rather, only the headlines are displayed at first. In addition to the news features, the app includes information about CERN, multimedia, and links to CERN’s pages on social media.