
Rating: Excellent

Strong Points: Elegant user interface, intuitive to use and navigate through projects and tasks.

Weak Points: None

Platform: iPad/iPhone/Android

Cost: Free


With many of us working from home over the last year, it has become trickier than ever to coordinate projects and keep in regular touch with teammates about their progress. Fortunately, Asana’s beautiful interface and easy-to-use tools make it easy to keep projects going even from a distance. The app is designed to be used with teams and allows users to connect with their teammates to assign tasks, determine task priority, and keep track of task completion. Tasks can be viewed in several different ways, such as with lists, boards, or calendars, which makes it easy to get the overview you need of where the project is headed. Users can communicate with their teammates directly in the app through the Conversations tool, and “Mentions” from other teammates or new task assignments show up right in your inbox on the app. Asana’s streamlined interface and collaborative setup makes it easier than ever to stay on top of your project remotely.

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