April 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 7)
Strong Points: Very good coverage of topic
Weak Points: None
It’s rare I slip up in seeing the “big picture“ of a site, but such was the case with one of my previous reviews. In that blurb, I reported on a subset of this particular site. The subject was glycogen metabolism, and I noted that the topic was well covered. What I didn’t notice was that the educational content on the website was much bigger that just glycogen. In fact, the main site’s title, “Biochemistry of Metabolism,“ illustrates the far-reaching matter covered here. The subject is organized into two main metabolic topics, Molecular Biochemistry I and II, and other material is divided into Cellular Biochemistry, Review (basic concepts of protein structure), and Enzyme Kinetics. Each of these is as good or better than the glycogen pages I covered, raising my rating for this collection to an Excellent from Good on the first go-around.