November 1, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 19)


Strong Points: User interface is well organized and easy to navigate
Weak Points: None




Mouse colonies can easily get out of control without an organized system to keep track of your breeding pairs, holding cages, and pups. Transnetyx Colony is a fantastic tool that makes managing your colony as easy as possible. The app combines all of your colony information into one place so that you can scan through each individual mouse with ease. The app allows users to input all of the necessary information for each individual mouse, such as age, genotype, and parents. It also provides a broad overview of your colony on the main screen, so that you can see at a glance your total number of mice and cages, the number of breeding pairs in the colony, and the number of litters that need weaning. Transnetyx Colony is an excellent app for anyone who manages a mouse colony and is looking to update their colony management system.

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