January 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 2)


Strong Points: Thorough educational modules
Weak Points: None

No, that’s not an equal sign in the title of this educational site. It’s a symbol for a double bond between the O and C. I’m cheating a little bit on this selection, because it too is located at the University of South Maine and is referenced in the Welcome to the Molecular Level site above, but it’s only a tiny ethical lapse in that O=CHem Directory stands on its own. With an opening page that organizes all content into 90 hyperlinked topic areas, O=CHem Directory compresses an entire course on organic chemistry into the confines of a single page. How’s that for efficiency? Clicking on any of the links brings up well-written, detailed “chapters” of information. If you’re looking for a quick course on organic chemistry, this is the place to go.

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