October 15, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 18)


Strong Points: Useful links
Weak Points: Not well organized

An interesting site with an unusual opening page, Kramer’s REMARKable website is different things to different people. If you are a student at Ohio State University, the pages are headliners for botany classes offered by Dr. Kramer. If you’re a wanna-be botanist, the site’s links to outside botanical information are relevant and useful. If you’re a teacher, the site’s links, entitled Teacher’s Academy, are sure to please. Last, if you’re thinking about a career in botany, the link to the Botanical Society of America’s pages on the subject will surely be of interest. There are a few aspects of the site that need work. The opening page, complete with Dr. Kramer’s phone number is unusual, but also not a very efficient use of space. Also the site’s Index page is kind of higgledy-piggledy in its layout. It wouldn’t take much to tidy this up and improve the appearance of the offerings considerably. Here’s hoping it happens.

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